Currently, I work full time at a veterinary clinic.
Trying to promote my photography business along with trying to do promotions through the clinic, we came up with an idea to have a free photoshoot with me if people ordered more things online from our pharmacy.
TIP: If you are ever in Frisco, Colorado, please go to Frisco Animal Hospital for your animals care. They are amazing and have great medicine practices.
Keely and Phil won! With their dogs Colter and Piper. I had seen Colter in a few times and he is getting up there in age, so I'm happy I could provide them with some family photos while he is still around.

We started in one of my favorite spots up past Keystone. This creek is so beautiful and the mountains surrounding it are always gorgeous.
Piper, the younger dog, did not want to stay still for the most part, but she was absolutely curious! The one thing about capturing a family with dogs is that it will not be perfect, but it will always be imperfectly perfect.
I believe what you capture is the exact true essence of the dog and the family. Look how calm and smiley Keely and Phil were while we were still trying to coax Piper over to join them.

We enjoyed this spot for a while before heading over to Swan Mountain for sunset.
Unfortunately, this was all Colter could handle and he had to stay in the car for the next set of photos.

The sun was hitting just right over here. I believe I switched to the Sigma 70-200mm during this time, as the field was big and we were able to run around.

Piper ended up coming around and just having fun in the end, once she got used to the camera being on her, she was fine with playing actress!